Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Dividend Payers vs. Non Payers: At Least June Is Over

June was certainly a tough month for long equity holders. Even the dividend payers struggled in the month; however, the payers did outperform the non-payers.

The payers' average return in June equaled -9.77% while the non-payers' average return came in at -10.49. The market cap weighted S&P 500 Index return actually outperformed the average return for the payers and non-payers with a return of -8.43%.

As the below chart notes, the payers continue to lag the non-payers on a year to date basis. On the other hand, the payers maintain a performance edge over the trailing 12-months.

(click on table for larger image)

S&P 500 payers versus non payers performance June 2008

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