One question many investors are asking is how long and how high can this market advance. Some of the sentiment indicators are suggesting investors are getting more bullish. Since investor sentiment tends to be a contrarian indicator, the more bullish they are, the closer we are likely getting towards the end of this market advance. What about magazine headlines?
In Barron's this morning, there are several bullish leaning articles:
- For Stocks, the Signs Point Up ($) by Jack Ablin
- Can the S&P 500 Handle 1200 ($) by Michael Santol
- Fortune: Recession is Over, says economist
- Newsweek: The Recession is Over?
- Barry Ritholtz at The Big Picture posts a positive technical chart comparing 1973-1974 to today. Comparing the 1973-74 Bear/Recovery with 2008-09. Is he becoming more bullish?
- Bespoke: Many sectors trading at top of their trend channels
- Nearly 87% of NYSE stocks trading above their 50-day moving average
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